Personal law

Do you need affordable conveyancing services for a residential property transaction? Do you want to set up a family trust or establish power of attorney? Does your will need reviewing?

Overview - Personal law

Keep your personal life on track with efficient, practical law services from kplegal. Kirstin Poole has the expertise, experience and empathy required for important tasks like starting a family trust, establishing a will, setting up power of attorney or sorting out the legalities of family arrangements. Kirstin is also an experienced and responsive property conveyancer.

Let's talk

Leave your details and I’ll be in touch as soon as possible.
Alternatively give me a call on 021 618 965.

"Kirstin provided us with the expert advice we needed to make sure the legal foundations of our business were well setup. Kirstin is fantastic to deal with, and I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone seeking legal advice."
- Jonathan Julian, Scratch